Case Session: "How the Architectural and Urban Planning Solutions Contribute to the Development of Identity in Different Regions of the Country and the World"
Pitch session with the participation of developers and city officials: KGASU students will present their projects on three key topics of the Forum: "Local Identity", "The City on Water" and "Creative Redevelopment"
Why do authors of books in the fantasy genre create worlds that do not exist, flying houses and talking bridges? We are writing about our city of the future. Master class for future urbanists.
Round table of the Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. “Manifestation of identity in projects for the development of the urban environment in small towns of Russia”
Star speaker's lecture: A comprehensive project to study the role of Bauman Street as part of the historical center of Kazan, carried out by students of the "Re School" in 2022-2023
Star speaker's lecture: "How are socially significant objects creating?" (Transforming Spaces into Social Icons) (conference interpreting (English) is provided)
Round Table: Architecture of Meanings and Images. Religious and Cultural Objects as a Space for Architectural Experiments. New Hybrid Types of Social and Cultural Centers (conference interpreting (English) is provided)
Public Talk: "Museum is in a Workshop, Dancing is in a Warehouse! Objects of Transport and Industrial Infrastructure as Cultural and Educational Spaces"
Architecture for children: how to create a harmonious environment and meet all requirements using the example of the case of the Globus Children's Education Center in Kazan
Master class of the Kazan children's architectural studio "Maket" - "A city NOT of skyscrapers." We are creating the first architectural design of a skyscraper.
Identity as the most important resource for the Development of modern Cities
- Ilsur Metshin, Mayor of Kazan - Sergei Kuznetsov, Сhief architect of Moscow - Ilsiiar Tukhvatullina, Сhief architect of Кazan - Mayor of Ankara - Chen JIANFEI (China), Chief Architect of Harbin, Head of Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Harbin Institute of Technology - Hamid Reza Saremi (Iran), Vice Mayor of Tehran for Architecture and Urban Planning; - Andrey Asadov, Head of ASADOV Bureau
First line experts
- Yatin Pandya (India), architect, bureau FOOTPRINTS EARTH - Her Excellency Dr. Aisha Butti Bin Bishr (UAE), architect, head of the project «The Smart City Index»
- Valeria Mozganova, Сhief editor Business.FM
Preserving Identity: the Experience of Different Countries and Cities
Mr. Ali Ghasemzadeh, Mayor of Isfahan (Iran)
Wang Zhen,Permanent Deputy Head of the Xian City Wall Management Committee.
Timur Kaszlandia, Svetlana Shamenkova.
Anton Nadtochiy, Head of Atrium architectural workshop
Narine Tyutcheva, Rozhdestvenka architectural bureau
Natalia Mastalerzh, Nowadays Office
Local Identity and Global Trends in the Master Planning of Territories
Elena Prohorskaya, Head of the Workshop of Urban and Regional Development of the Moscow General Plan Institute
Grigory Solomin, "Novaya Zemlya"
Oleg Shapiro, Wowhaus
Yulia Zubarik, Masters Plan
Oleg Grigoriev, Head of the Institute of Spatial Planning of Kazan
Zen Lian, Director of Atelier "Geometry" of the Institute of Architectural and Construction Design of the City of Chengdu under the Design and Consulting Group of the City of Chengdu (China).
Sergei Georgievskiy, Agency for strategic development "CENTER"
Bridge Between the East and the West. How Does Transport Infrastructure Affect the Development of Cities
Ilsiiar Tukhvatullina, Сhief architect of Кazan
Sergei Glubokin, Deputy Head of the Office of the Architectural Council of the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow
Igor Soloviev, Head of the Department of Architecture and Construction of Vladimir City Administration, Andrey V. Bykov, Chief Architect
Olga Nikitina, Acting Head of the Department of Architectural and Urban Planning Design of Chelyabinsk
Dmitriy Ivanov, Director of the Department of Land Relations and Urban Planning of Tyumen Administration
The first-row experts
Oleg Grigoriev, Institute of Spatial Planning of Kazan
Andrey Ksenzov, Deputy Head for Road Management of Chelyabinsk
Svetlana Bochkareva, Head of the Department for Integrated Development of the Urban Environment, Architecture and Design of Murom
Anna Akimova, Executive Director of the Council of Chief Architects of Subjects of Russian Federation and Municipal Entities named after.A.V.Kuzmina
M-12 Highway and its iconic transportation facilities
Vitaly Shmarov, Avtodor
Excursion with the stars. Reconstruction of historical quarters in China
Lyu Hengliang, Head of the Natural Resources and Planning Department of Qingdao City. Speech: "Preservation of local identity and innovation in architecture using the example of reconstruction of the historical quarter of Qingdao (China)"
Du Dan, Leading expert of urban planning of the Department of Natural Resources of the city of Qiqihar (China). Speech: "Research strategy for the redevelopment of old urban areas in the context of urban renewal"
Anna Martovitskaya, Archiblog
Is all the world a stage? The past and future of the Kamala Theater
Ilshat Latypov, Deputy Director for Marketing and PR of the Kamala Theater
Naila Kumysnikova, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan
Oleg Shapiro, Co-founder of Wowhaus bureau
Elina Safarova, Head of Bespoke Architects bureau
Narine Tyutcheva, Head of Rozhdestvenka bureau
Ilya Potapov, MIRIADA group
Karina Davletyanova, Head of ZARF bureau
Daria Klimova, "Architectural Landing"
"Kazan ID"
Curatorial program of Elina Safarova, Bespoke Architects
"Cultural codes of Kazan"
Enge Dusaeva, historian, co-founder of the Tamga Institute of Urban Studies, member of the working group on creating the concept of sustainable development of IP Kazan, author of the project “The World of the Tatar Woman”, member of the expert council on culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, visiting professor at universities in Rome and Salerno, teacher of Italian language and culture.
How the Architectural and Urban Planning Solutions Contribute to the Development of Identity in Different Regions of the Country and the World
Alexander Pchelintsev, Dal Project
Rais Baishev, Ostozhenka
Grigorios Gavalidis (GAFA)
Tatiana Osetskaya, Osetskaya.Salov
Almaz Valiullin, Dialog Urban Planning
Kamila Khalitova, beton
Ulia Shishalova, chief editor "Project Russia"
Tomorrow of the Tourist. Travel Architecture as a Way to Preserve and Develop Identity
Narine Tyutcheva, Rozhdestvenka architectural bureau
Oleg Shapiro, Wowhaus
Alexander Pchelintsev, Dal Project
Natalia Mastalerzh, Nowadays
Vsevolod Okin,
Yulia Tryaskina, UNK
Alexey Fedorov, Head of the Department of Architectural and Urban Planning Solutions EIPR of Russian Federation, Speech: "Reflection of identity in the Development of Tourist Areas"
Ulia Shishalova, chief editor "Project Russia"
Transport Hubs as the Points of Urban Growth
Oleg Grigoriev, Institute of Spatial Planing of Kazan
Alexey Ivanov, Mostransproject
Timur Bashkaev, ABTB
Nikita Budkevich, Urban Development Institute
Denis Kolokolnikov, RRG
Alexey Smirnov, STEP
Inclusion and Principles of Universal Design
Ali A. Alraouf (Qatar), Professor of Architecture and Urban Theory. Senior Research Advisor at the Ministry of Municipal Administration of Qatar. Board member of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP). (WITH English INTERPRETER)
Daria Novikova, Managing partner of the lighting design bureau "Culture of Light"
Dina Amutova, the lead architect of Druzhba
Sergey Ostroukh (CEO of IMAGO)
What a City Should Be Like for Children, Teenagers and People of the Third Age
Vsevolod Okin,
Maria Krukova, URAM
Ksenia Golovanova (AFA group Project Manager)
Lyubov Gurari (goroddlyamenya.rf - the project dedicated to the city for teenagers)
Maria Pomelova, "Cheharda"
Tatiana Merzliakova, "Dobro Kazan"
How the Architectural and Urban Planning Solutions Contribute to the Development of Identity in Different Regions of the Country and the World
Alexander Pchelintsev, Dal Project
Andrey Gnezdilov,co-founder and first deputy director of AB Ostozhenka
Grigorios Gavalidis, GAFA
Tatiana Osetskaya, Osetskaya.Salov
Almaz Valiullin, Dialog Urban Planning
Kamila Khalitova, beton
Ilya Piskulin, founder of the CEO of the DeVision agency
Neuroarchitecture for Children: How to Create a Space That is Comfortable with Regard to the Child's Psyche
Anna Gerasimova, Druzhba
Maria Pomelova, Chexarda
Architectural Hooliganism: From Vandalism to Creation. How to Involve Teenagers in the Development of the City
Kira Kamalova/ Vladislav Kulikovsky, founders of HEADS group architectural bureau
Alexander Proshkin, architect, the founder of MAP architects
Olga Rokal, the co-founder and the curator of MESTO educational project for children and teenagers
Inna Salikhova, architect, designer, teacher, the member of the Union of Architects of Russia, FA-SAD
"Product, marketing, team: at what points is it important for a business to take into account local identity to improve operational efficiency"
Place identity in competitive projects
Author's session of AK Bars Dom company
How to Avoid a Failure. Legislative Subtleties of Architectural Work Including Author's Right
Kristina Bulatova, DELO Legal company
Architect as an Initiator of Urban Change
Pavel Gordeev, Head of Gordeev/Demidov AB
Alexander Pchelintsev, Dal Project
Daria Miroshnichenko, Darina Karaseva, KLAUZURA
Natalia Chernyshova, Institute of the General Plan of Moscow
Alsu Amirova, guide to the tales of Almetyevsk
Ivan Moshka, director of buro AB 1
Yulia Novikova, Director of HR and Communications at Master's Plan, community architect, expert on effective corporate communications
Pitch session with the participation of developers and city officials: KGASU students will present their projects on three key topics of the Forum: "Local Identity", "The City on Water" and "Creative Redevelopment"
Infrastructure for Road Trips
Gulnara Safarova, UNK
PR For Architects. How to promote your ideas
Maria Ulyanova, Press Secretary of the Chief Architect of Moscow
Rustam Shagimardanov, architectural photographer
Alexander Tsimailo/ Nikolai Liashenko, TLP
Grigorios Gavalidis (GAFA)
Anna Martovitskaya, Archiblog
Татарская идентичность в конкурсных проектах
Access to Water: the Sociocultural and Recreational Resource in a Sustainable City
Ali A. Alraouf (Qatar), Professor of Architecture and Urban Theory. Senior Research Advisor at the Ministry of Municipal Administration of Qatar. Board member of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP).
Yatin Pandya (India), founder of the bureau FOOPRINTS EARTH
Evgenia Murinets (development of coastal territories in Russian cities)
Alexey Fedorov, Head of the Department of Architectural and Urban Planning Solutions of the Unified Institute of Spatial Development of the Russian Federation,
Nikita Yavein, Studio 44
Ilsiyar Tukhvatullina, Chief Architect of Kazan, with Pavel Tinyaev as a co-speaker
Sergey Glubokin, Moscomarchitecture
Waterfront: Planning Features & Economic Potential in the Formation of New Traditions
Anton Nadtochiy, ATRIUM
Andy Snow, Creative director of a design company and architectural bureau, Genpro
Natalia Sidorova/Danila Lorenz, DNA ag
Oksana Sargina, Head of the Directorate for Natural Areas, Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan
Denis Kolokolnikov, RRG
Marina Egorova, Project-18, speech: "Designing of marinas"
Valeria Mozganova, Сhief editor Business.FM
The City on the Water
Ali A. Alraouf (Qatar), Professor of Architecture and Urban Theory. Senior Research Advisor at the Ministry of Municipal Administration of Qatar. Board member of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP)
Romance, Atmosphere and Ambitions: Redevelopment of the Port Territories
Evelina Ishmetova, director of development and consulting at the investment company Key Capital
Iran at the turn of the century
Mr.Yaghoub Houshyar, Mayor of Tabriz.
Speech: "The role of architecture and local identity in relations between nations. A look at the project: Revival of the Silk Road" in Tabriz."
Mr. Hamidreza Saremi, Deputy Mayor of Tehran for Architecture and Urban Development. Speech: "Rethinking Tehran's Identity. How can transforming ineffective texture improve the image of the urban environment?"
BEHZADI ALIREZA , Co-founder and Head of Diba Tense Architecture architectural bureau (the largest pedestrian bridge “Tabiat” in Tehran, winner of the Aga Khan Award 2016). “The Bridge Where You Want to Stay”
Tsukanov Denis, The Association of Parks of Russia
Smart cities for a sustainable future
Her Excellency Dr. Aisha Butti Bin Bishr (UAE), architect, head of the project «The Smart City Index» | «Smart Cities for a Sustainable Future: Using Digital Innovation for Climate Resilience»
Sergei Georgievskiy, Agency for strategic development "CENTER"
Urban-ecological framework as the basis for sustainable urban development
Du Dan, Leading expert of urban planning of the Department of Natural Resources of the city of Qiqihar (China)
Ghoshtasb Mozafari (Iran), Advisor to the Mayor of Tehran, Abasabad Renovation Company
Denis Tsukanov, Director of the Association of Parks of Russia
Her Excellency Dr. Aisha Butti Bin Bishr (UAE), architect, head of the project «The Smart City Index»
Global Digital Transformation Expert | Strategic leader of smart city initiatives
Nail Zinnatullina (Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Anastasia Tsurkouskaya, MLA+
Yuri Sheredega, the member of the Water-green frame group at the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation
Aigul Latypova, Director of the MBI “Directorate of parks and squares of Kazan”
Adviser on Urban Eco-Framework: Prospects for a New Profession
Ilsiyar Tukhvatullina, Chief Architect of Kazan
Yulia Sorokina, Urban Green
Aigul Latypova, Head of MBU "Directorate of Parks and Squares of Kazan"
Olga Veramey, Head of MINSKGRADO
Alexander Matyukha, scientific agronomist-ecologist, tree inspector, head of the department for the development of transport and engineering infrastructure of the Institute of Spatial Planning of the Republic of Tatarstan, expert at the Institute of City Development (Kazan)
Yuri Sheredega, the member of the Water-green frame group at the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation
Megabudka curatorial program: "A Frank Architectural Institution"
Andrey Kiselyov, Sintez
Nikita Yavein, Studio 44
Artem Ukropov, Daria Listopad, Kirill Gubernatorov, Anton Gorovoy, Megabudka
Stepan Lipgart, Liphart Architects
Grigorios Gavalidis, GAFA
Megabudka curatorial program: "A Frank Architectural Institution"
Megabudka curatorial program
Lecture: "Russian Identity"; with the screening of the film "Mistress of the Mountain"
Wooden future of Russia
Totan Kuzembayev, Head of the workshop of Totan Kuzembayev
Vladimir Kuzmin, "Pole-design"
Ruben Arakelyan, WALL
Michael Beilin, Citizenstudio
Kamila Khalitova, beton Architecture Studio
Ulia Shishalova, chief editor "Project Russia"
Cultural Education: the Arrangement of Architectural Illumination of the City to Strengthen Identity
Pavel Pavlyuk, Light Architects Orchestra
Yulia Zharkova, Kultura Sveta
Ivan Fedyanin, founder of the company L1
Alexandra Ushakova, head of the design department of the engineering company QPRO
Polina Gubonina, the leading Light Designer of Signify, an expert in the development of light master plans
Evgeniy Rudov, head of department for work with government customers and partners of a lighting company
Anastasia Maksimova, Director of the Prometheus Foundation for the Support of Audiovisual and Technological Art named after. B. Galeeva
Health-Saving and Health-Stimulating Technologies in the Urban Environment
Ilya Potapov, Miriada Group
Kamila Ibragimova, Orchestra design
Alena Zaitseva, UTRO
Irina Chebanenko (Scape)
Margarita Selkova, Leading architect of Bureau A4
Ekaterina Kuznechikova (lampa community)
Vladimir Zhavoronkov, Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Head of the Health Department of Kazan
Green Roofs and Vertical Gardening: Resources and Potential
Ilya Mochalov, the developer of GOST for green roofs
Yulia Sorokina, Urban Green
Irina Chebanenko, Scape
Alexander Matyukha, scientific agronomist-ecologist, tree inspector, head of the department for the development of transport and engineering infrastructure of the Institute of Spatial Planning of the Republic of Tatarstan, expert at the Institute of City Development (Kazan)
Evelina Ishmetova, director of development and consulting at the investment company Key Capital
Eco-Clusters and Eco-Cities: a Myth or the Reality?
Lin Li, CLOU
Andrey Asadov, ASADOV
Anastasia Tsurkouskaya, MLA+
Olga Hohlova, UTRO
Sergey Georgievsky, Center
Amir Idiatulin, IND
Ulia Shishalova, chief editor "Project Russia"
"The Role of the Chief Architect of the City. Changing Kazan Together"
Author's Lecture by Ilsiyar Tukhvatullina, Chief Architect of Kazan
Presentation of new projects of the Institute of City Development (Kazan)
Ilsiyar Tukhvatullina
Pavel Tinyaev
Curatorial program Chvoya
Reflection of the city's identity in water infrastructure
New Types of Urban Activism. How to Exercise Your Right to the City?
Daria Shorina / Kirill Brosalin, IRGSNO
Dmitry Smirnov, PG8
Daria Klimova, Archdesant
Ekaterina Kuznechikova, lampa community
Kamila Ibragimova, Orchestra Design. Placemaking and community development
Yulia Novikova, Director of HR and Communications at Master's Plan, community architect, expert on effective corporate communications
Architecture Without an Architect - Is It Possible? Vernacular Cities and "Folk" Architecture
Andrey Ivanov, author of "Architecture without an architect"
15 Life Hacks for Co-participating Design
Vladislav Kulikovsky, HEADS group
Yuri Sheredega, Sheredega Consulting
Dmitry Smirnov, PG 8
Maria Pomelova, Chekharda
Lyubov Gurari, Goroddlyatebya
Olga Rokal, Mesto
Ulia Shishalova, chief editor "Project Russia"
"Alone in the metaverse": the prospects of new technologies in architecture
Anton Nadtochiy, ATRIUM
Arsen Khayrov, HEADS group
Evgenia Sulzhenko, GENPRO
Andrey Salov, Osetskaya.Salov
Andrey Kiselyov, Sintez
Daniil Kurov, Architect, General Director of CIVIL
Not Only an Ornament: The Way that Architecture Works with Collective Memory and Intangible Culture
Anna Feer, Nov bureau
Dmitry Smirnov, PG8
Natalia Mastalerzh, Nowadays
Daria Shorina / Kirill Brosalin , IRGSNO
Daria Klimova, Archdesant
Karina Davletyanova ZARF
Kirill Maevskiy, Smena
Ulia Tarabarina,
Star speaker's lecture: A comprehensive project to study the role of Bauman Street as part of the historical center of Kazan, carried out by students of the "Re School" in 2022-2023
Narine Tyutcheva
How do Generation Z and so on alphabetically see their identity?
Luisa Ulanovskaya, lecturer of MBA programs at RANEPA, Financial University and HSE, the founder of Lanska group
How are socially significant objects creating?
LIN LI, Director of CLOU Architects
A city for innovation. How to Attract & Keep Creative Staff?
Ali A. Alraouf (Qatar), Professor of Architecture and Urban Theory. Senior Research Advisor at the Ministry of Municipal Administration of Qatar. Board member of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP).
Pavel Gordeev, Gordeev/Demidov AB
Irina Bochkova, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Executive Committee of Kazan
Anton Nadtochiy, ATRIUM
Evgeny Novosadnyuk, Chief Architect of the Project, Partner of the Studio 44
Evgeny Kutsenko (author of the study "Cities for Innovation")
Ekaterina Kireeva, HR Director, Samolet Strana
Sergey Glubokin, Moskomarchitecture
Architecture of Meanings and Images. Religious and Cultural Objects as a Space for Architectural Experiments. New Hybrid Types of Social and Cultural Centers
LIN LI, Director of CLOU Architects
Evgeny Novosadnyuk, Chief Architect of the Project, Partner of the Studio 44
Yuli Borisov from UNK
Daria Melnik, Wowhaus
Public Art strategy: a systematic approach to the creating of art in the city
Zhanna Beletskaya, Chief artist of Kazan
Andrey Voronov, Arhataka bureau, Nov
Yulia Bychkova, Russian art manager, curator, the co-founder of Archstoyanie Festival
Sabina Chagina, curator of street art
Marco Bravura, Italian mosaic artist, participant of the Venice and Moscow Biennales 2011. The monuments he created are located throughout Italy and the Middle East.
INCEPTION. The concept of adaptation of the building of the factory association named after The Krestovnikov Brothers
Ruben Arakelyan, co-founder of the WALL Bureau
The Road to School
Ilsiyar Tukhvatullina, Chief Architect of Kazan
Alexey Smirnov, STEP
Inna Salikhova, FA-SAD
Valeriy Salikhov, FA-SAD
Kazan through the eyes of children
Irina Kuznetsova, Moskomarchitecture
Ayrat Bagautdinov, "Moscow through the eyes of an engineer"
Kirill Maevskiy, Smena
Ulia Shishalova, chief editor "Project Russia"
The Creative City. New Spaces For Creative Projects and Business
Vsevolod Okin,
Darina Karaseva, KLAUZURA
Ruben Arakelyan, WALL
Daria Shorina, Kirill Brosalin, IGRSNO
Natalia Mastalerzh, Nowadays
Amir Idiatulin, IND
How to Develop Creative Thinking
Ilsiyar Tukhvatullina, Chief Architect of Kazan
Irina Salikhova, FA-SAD
Valeriy Salikhov, FA-SAD
Olga Rokal, Mesto
Maria Pomelova, "Cheharda"
Guzelia Makhmutova, founder of the Archideti, head of the project "Sea Around the Corner"
Irina Kuznetsova, Head of Exhibition and Educational Programs of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow, curator of the Open City Festival
The first-row experts
Alexander Korotich,candidate of architecture, associate professor at RUDN University, ex-professor at Moscow Architectural Institute, leading designer at Channel One
Anna Delianidi, lecturer, deputy director for international and public activities of the Russian State Library, author of the podcast “Library of a Normal Person”
The School as the City, the City as the School
Anton Nadtochiy, ATRIUM
Evgeniy Novosadyuk, chief architect of the project, partner of the architectural bureau "Studio 44"
Sergey Ostroukh, IMAGO
Anna Rybachenko, Semren Mansson
Amir Idiatulin, IND
Daria Prohorova, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development Department, PIK Group
Report on nutrition in schools
Elena Melina, Director of the Institute of Inclusive Education, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Management "TISBI"
How an architect is formed
Albina Khairullina, KGASU
Narine Tyutcheva, Re-Shkola
Vladimir Kuzmin, RANEPA, Moscow Institute of Architecture
Michael Mikadze, MARSH
Evgeniy Nasaduk, Chief Architect of the Project, Partner of the Studio 44
Vladimir Kuzmin, RANEPA, Moscow Institute of Architecture
Creativity as the Lifeblood of Cities: How to Form a Not Trite Approach to Redevelopment
Nikita Yavein, Studio 44
Nadezhda Kolganova, blank architects
Timur Kadirov, Expert in Urban Development and Transport Planning
Nikita Malikov, Malikov Architectural Bureau
Ruben Arakelian, Krestovnikov Factory
Lubov Leontieva, ludi architects, Children's Republican Library of Uzbekistan
GORA Curatorial Program
Architect and burnout. How to avoid and survive!
Stas Gorshunov, GORA
Michael Mikadze, GORA
Nikita Malikov, Malikov Architectural Bureau
New Life of Modernist objects
Nikolay Pereslegin, Kleinewelt Architekten
Mikhail Mikadze, NBRT
Natalia Mastalerzh, NOWADAYS office
Konstantin Samartsev, MLA+
Stas Gorshunov, GORA
Nikita Malikov, Malikov Architectural Bureau
Airat Bagautdinov, Historian of Architecture, "Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer" / "Kazan through the Eyes of an Engineer"
Museum is in a Workshop, Dancing is in a Warehouse! Objects of Transport and Industrial Infrastructure as Cultural and Educational Spaces
Daria Semenova, Head of DDD Architects
Elena Strugovets/ Anton Bondarenko, Apex
Natalia Mastalerzh, Nowadays
Olga Malyseva, Like4Like
Dmitriy Lapshin, Chief Architect of Perm
Luisa Ulanovskaya, Higher School of Economics
BIM in the Ecosystem of Digital Solutions of a Modern Developer
Valentina Zusik, Head of Information Modeling Implementation Group, Samolet Group
Presentation of the workshops of Open City Festival
Irina Kuznetsova, MKA
Anton Nadtochiy, ATRIUM
Stas Gorshunov, GORA
Alexander Alyaev, INDarchitects
Milan Stamenkovich, AURA
Alexander Starikov, Sintaxis
Anna Rybachenko, Samren & Mansson
Tatiana Osetskaya, Osetskaya. Salov
Margarita Selkova, A4
Yulia Zinkevych, General Director of the Communication Agency "Rules of Communication"
Xiaojun Bu, partner at Atelier Alter Architects
Neuroarchitecture for children: how to create a space for harmonious development
Anna Gerasimova, leading architect of the Druzhba bureau
Maria Pomelova, co-founder of the Chekharda bureau
Oksana Samborskaya, special correspondent for the “Architecture” column of “Construction Newspaper”
Modern road surfaces as a way to preserve identity
Kogen company
Master class "Your view. Identity"
VALERY SALIKHOV - Co-founder and teacher of the FA-SAD studio
How interesting is it to write about architecture? Master class for future bloggers
ANNA DELIANIDI - Deputy Director of the Department of Key Partnership Programs of the Russian State Library
VALERY SALIKHOV - Co-founder and teacher of the FA-SAD studio
Why do authors of books in the fantasy genre create worlds that do not exist, flying houses and talking bridges? We are writing about our city of the future. Master class for future urbanists.
ANNA DELIANIDI Deputy Director of the Department of Key Partnership Programs of the Russian State Library
Round table of the Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. “Manifestation of identity in projects for the development of the urban environment in small towns of Russia”
Nailya Zinnatullina, Director of the Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan
Artem Ukropov, co-founder of Megabudka architectural bureau
Yuri Sheredega, co-founder, managing partner of the design and consulting agency SheredegaConsulting
Tabris Yarullin, Deputy Director of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan
Dmitry Smirnov, managing partner of Project Group 8, expert on territorial development
Alexander Pchelintsev, head of ANO Project DAL
Mikhail Sharipov, founder of the MemSol restaurant union
Narine Tyutcheva, head of JSB Rozhdestvenka
Dzhemal Surmanidze, head of the project department in the Department of normative and methodological work of the federal project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” of the Project Directorate of the Ministry of Construction of Russia
Lecture on the topic: “22 ways to come up with something new”
Alexander Korotich, candidate of architecture, ex-professor at Moscow Architectural Institute, laureate of national and international awards, leading designer of Channel One, artist, writer, teacher
Master class "Image. An important crossroads - the road to school."
INNA SALIKHOVA, Member of the SA of Russia, member of the SD of Russia, member of the MSPH (RF). Architect, designer, teacher. General Director of ANO DPO "FA-SAD"
VALERY SALIKHOV, Member of the SA of Russia, architect, co-founder and teacher of the FA-SAD studio
Let's get to know our city again. Everyone can watch, listen and read the city! Master class for future photographers
ANNA DELIANIDI, Philologist, teacher, specialist in modern literature. Deputy Director of the Department of Key Partnership Programs of the Russian State Library
Alexander Korotich, candidate of architecture, ex-professor at Moscow Architectural Institute, laureate of national and international awards, Leading designer of Channel One, artist, writer, teacher
Master class "Image. An important crossroads - the road to school."
INNA SALIKHOVA, Member of the SA of Russia, member of the SD of Russia, member of the MSPH (RF). Architect, designer, teacher. General Director of ANO DPO "FA-SAD"
VALERY SALIKHOV, Member of the SA of Russia, architect, co-founder and teacher of the FA-SAD studio
"Design Trends 2024"
Alexander Korotich, candidate of architecture, ex-professor at Moscow Architectural Institute, laureate of national and international awards, Leading designer of Channel One, artist, writer, teacher
"New breath". An electric car is a gadget as the basis of a new urban lifestyle.
Ruslan Shevchenko, Commercial Director of ATOM
Elena Bychkova, Partnership Manager Protone by ATOM
Architecture for children: how to create a harmonious environment and meet all requirements using the example of the case of the Globus Children's Education Center in Kazan
Aigul Zakirova, Deputy Director, Deputy Director for educational work of the Globus Children's Education Center,
Anna Novikova, co-founder of the Novikov Architectural Studio
Master class of the Kazan children's architectural studio "Maket" - "A city NOT of skyscrapers." We are creating the first architectural design of a skyscraper.
Niyaz Sirazeev, Architect-restorer, teacher of children's architecture at the "Maket" studio
Educational story "Architecture of Kazan". Master class of the Kazan children's architectural studio "Maket" - "Image of the native city."
Niyaz Sirazeev, Architect-restorer, teacher of children's architecture at the "Maket" studio
Presentation of a book about Shukhov
Master class "assembling the Shukhov Tower" with the support of SMU-88
Airat Bagautdinov, head of the educational company "Through the Eyes of an Engineer"